Tooth Extractions 101

Tooth Extractions 101

Are you afraid that you might need to have a tooth or teeth extracted? Don’t worry, our staff here at Dentist of Gardena is here for you! We’ll walk you through every step of the process and make sure that you receive the best possible care. Our dentists will take the time to make sure that all of your questions are answered, and your concerns get taken care of

We get a lot of questions about tooth extractions. These are answers to the most commonly asked questions. If you have any questions that aren’t on this list, please don’t hesitate to call our office. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have!

Why Does My Tooth Need to Be Extracted?

No patient wants to have their tooth extracted, and no dentist wants to extract a tooth. However, sometimes it’s necessary. Reasons your provider might recommend a tooth extraction include significant damage to the tooth, the risk of damaging other teeth or your jaw from leaving the tooth in place, and a serious infection.

When you have a consultation with a provider at our Gardena office, the dentist will provide you with all your options and explain why an extraction is recommended.

Are There Any Options Other Than a Tooth Extraction?

A tooth extraction is usually the last resort. Your provider normally won’t recommend an extraction if there’s a way to preserve the tooth. Sometimes, however, a tooth extraction will be presented as an option you can choose instead of another procedure, such as having a root canal and placing a crown on the tooth.

Patients will sometimes opt for a tooth extraction in this instance if the chances of the alternative procedure saving the tooth are low or if finances preclude having the alternative procedure.

How Does the Tooth Extraction Process Work?

The process used depends on which kind of tooth extraction you need. There are two kinds of extractions: nonsurgical (simple) tooth extractions and surgical tooth extractions.

Nonsurgical Tooth Extraction

If a tooth is easy to see and reach, you might be a candidate for a nonsurgical or simple tooth extraction. This kind of extraction is quick and easy. The provider will use local anesthesia to numb the tooth and the surrounding area before using a dental instrument called an elevator to loosen the tooth from the gums. The tooth will then be extracted using a pair of forceps. 

Surgical Tooth Extraction

The other option is extracting the tooth surgically. A surgical tooth extraction must be performed if the tooth is difficult to reach, broken at the gum line, or if there are other complications. In surgical tooth extractions, after administering anesthesia the dentist will cut a hole in the gum to remove the tooth. Sometimes surrounding bone must also be removed. Stitches will then be used to close the incision site.

Will I Need General Anesthesia for My Tooth Extraction?

General anesthesia is rarely used for tooth extractions. Local anesthesia is always used to make the procedure painless. Partial sedation using intravenous anesthesia may be used for surgical extractions. If general anesthesia is necessary, your provider will explain why and give you detailed instructions on how to prepare. You will also need someone to give you a ride home after the procedure.

Sedation dentistry is an option we offer for those who have severe dental anxiety. If this applies to you, please speak with our staff and we’ll do whatever we can to make you comfortable!

How Do I Prepare for a Tooth Extraction?

Don’t eat or drink anything the morning of your procedure. If your procedure is later in the day, your provider will inform you how long you need to fast before the procedure. Take any necessary medications on your usual schedule. Follow your normal oral hygiene routine. Don’t smoke for at least 12 hours before the procedure.

What Is Recovery Like After a Tooth Extraction?

Recovery is normally quick, especially after a nonsurgical tooth extraction. You’ll need to plan on resting for at least one day after the procedure and up to three depending on the nature of the tooth extraction and how you feel. Your dentist will either prescribe painkillers or instruct you on taking over-the-counter pain medications. Follow these instructions to limit pain.

Gauze will be placed on the extraction site to control bleeding. It needs to remain in place for several hours after the extraction. You can change it as needed if it becomes soaked with blood.

You can use a cold pack on your cheek to reduce swelling. Apply it for ten minutes at a time. You can resume brushing and flossing after 24 hours but avoid the extraction site. Use a saltwater rinse the day after your tooth extraction to limit the chances of infection.

Eat soft foods for several days to limit chewing. Don’t smoke or use straws to avoid dislodging the blood clot that covers the tooth socket, as this can lead to a painful complication called a dry socket.

How Much Does a Tooth Extraction Cost?

The cost of a tooth extraction depends on how many teeth need to be extracted, where they are in the mouth, and whether the extraction or extractions will be nonsurgical or surgical. It also depends on what your dental insurance will cover. Every dental insurance plan is different, but many will cover most or all of the cost of a tooth extraction.

When you come into our Gardena office for your consultation, the staff will contact your insurance company to determine your coverage and explain the cost and what your out-of-pocket portion will be. We can also discuss financing options with you if you would like.

Do You Want to Restore Your Oral Health?

Dentist of Gardena is here to help you. We have an experienced, professional staff and the most state-of-the-art office in the region. We offer flexible appointments and same-day visits for emergencies. Our office can provide solutions for all your dental needs and care for the entire family.

Call today at (424) 321-7470 to schedule your first appointment with Dentist of Gardena!